How to File an Appraisal District Protest
File with your local county appraisal district
To protest a Texas county appraisal district decision you must file a protest in writing. You do not need to use a protest form. However, county appraisal district protest forms are available. A protest notice must:
- identify the owner
- identify the property that is the subject of the protest
- state that you are dissatified with a decision made by the county appraisal district.
Send the protest to the chief appraiser of the county appraisal district where the property is located.
Download Protest Form
The county appraisal district protest form may be downloaded below.
appraisal district protest form
PDF Form Reader
The county appraisal district forms and documents that may be downloaded from our website are in Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF format. If you do not already have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you will need to download the latest version to view and print the forms. Go to Acrobat Reader download for the latest version.
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